50 Ways to Celebrate World Environment Day
"It is our collective and individual responsibility…to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live in.” - Rabindranath Tagore This World Environment Day, let’s pledge to make our planet a clean and safe place. Listed below are fifty easy ways in which you can contribute towards the betterment of our planet. Use LEDs instead of standard bulbs. They use less energy. Switch-off lights, fans and all electronic gadgets, when not in use. Switch to solar cookers and water heaters. Buy energy-efficient appliances. Paint your house in a pale color. This way less artificial lighting is required. Take your children to a park or a garden. Make them realize the importance of a clean environment. When you go out camping in the woods, remember to completely extinguish the fire. Otherwise it can start a forest fire! Travel light. A lighter car consumes lesser fuel. Do not litter. Keep the public places as clean as your own home. Build a kitchen garden. Grow some of your own food. You can do this in your balcony too. Place a compost bin in your home. Put your kitchen waste in it and make fertilizer. Do not take long showers. Use a bucket instead, to save water. Check your taps for leaks regularly. While brushing the teeth, keep the tap off. Wash your car in the garden. It will get watered by itself. Do not water your garden in the rainy season. Invest in water and energy-saving devices for your home. Install a “half-flush” in the toilet. Run your washing machine and dishwasher only on “full load”. Instead of using a dryer, dry washed clothes in the sun. Instead of an air conditioner, use ceiling fans in summers as they consume much lesser energy. Draw curtains before the sun rises, to keep your house cool. Adopt rainwater harvesting. If your office is nearby, walk down to it. Otherwise, use public transport or carpool. While driving, if you are stuck in traffic for long, switch off the engine. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Recycle clothes. Use them as much as possible or donate them. Avoid throwing them when they are still in good condition. Say no to plastic. Carry a cloth bag while shopping. Buy products/brands which use minimum packaging. Use brands which follow eco-friendly policies. Make a list of things that you need, before you set out shopping. It will save you regular trips to the market as well as fuel. Use recycled paper. Switch to emails. Pay your bills online. It saves paper and trees. Wrap gifts in fabric. Gift plants to your friends and family. Grow trees in your house and neighbourhood. Join a library, instead of buying books. Buy according to your “need” and not “greed”. Avoid buying discounted goods that you do not need. Utilize leftover food by including it in your meals the next day. Come up with your own creative leftover food recipes. Eat locally-grown, seasonal food. It saves energy on transportation and storage. Keep track of food expiration dates. Cook food before it expires to avoid wastage. Set your refrigerator at an energy-efficient level. Clean your refrigerator at least twice a year. It saves energy. Use appropriate food storing products and methods. For example, refrigerate perishables immediately, use airtight containers, etc. While eating out, order in limit. Choose smaller portions. If you have ordered more food than you can consume, get the leftovers packed and give them to a needy. Switch to rail travel, instead of air travel, whenever possible. It will reduce your carbon footprint. Instead of chemical cleaners, use natural ones. Buy second-hand furniture and other goods, whenever possible. Be creative and find new ways to use recycled tins, cans, paper, cardboard, etc. Try to repair what you already have, instead of buying a new one. Limit your consumption and demands. Join a local community group and participate in “green” activities. This World Environment Day, let’s “Go Green”!