Women in Nagaland Have Come Up With a Brilliant Plan to Combat the Adverse Effects of Climate Change
Nagaland rsquo s topography is conducive to terrace farming and that rsquo s the main occupation of the people of Chizami village in Phek district Unfortunately the terraces are going dry due to the unfavorable impacts of climate change The unpredictable rainfall patterns have led to a drastic change in farming Problems Encountered In Farming Erratic climate changes and pest attacks were some of the problems encountered in farming Men are more keen to grow cash crops crops grown for commercial purposes like coffee and cardamom that enable them to sell their produce and earn money but food crops are also very essential and women of the village work hard on the farms to grow millets and vegetables As the rainfall became irregular and scarce the women came up with a novel idea of a seed bank that will ensure sustainability even if whole crops fail The Seed Bank With