37 nursing officers awarded rank of lieutenants at Western Command
It was a felicitous moment for thirty-seven nurses of the 48th batch of the School of Nursing as they were commissioned as lieutenants at the Western Command Hospital on Wednesday. In a commissioning ceremony held at the headquarters, MG (Med) of Headquarters Western Command Major General Manomoy Ganguly and commandant of Western Command Hospital Major General Mukti Sharma awarded the rank of lieutenant to the newly commissioned military nurses. Brig SV Saraswati, Principal Matron of Western Command Hospital administered the oath to the newly commissioned nursing officers. Distinguished performers were also honoured with medals and trophies by Gen Ganguly. General Ganguly who was the chief guest held the nursing profession in high regard. Addressing the nursing officers, he said that their profession is a noble and challenging one where a nurse needs to work hard many times even in difficult terrain to provide a compassionate and comprehensive care to the soldiers and their families. He also urged the nursing officers to be consistent with the new developments and trends in health care to ensure optimum care and well being of the patients. The gold medal in academics went to Lt Chinchu Eldhose. Lt Binsa K Sasi won the silver medal and Lt Malini Lama was adjudged the best All Round Cadet. Lt Jyoti Prusty was awarded the Best Bed Side Nurse rolling trophy.