Indian Air Force Gets a Boost As DRDO Hands Over Netra (AEW&CS) System
The Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO) on Wednesday, handed over the second Netra Airborne Early Warning and Control System (AEW&CS) system to the Indian Air Force. Termed as India’s eyes in the sky, Netra gives a boost to India’s airborne surveillance capability. Modern Warfare The AESA radar is indigenously developed by DRDO and is mounted on an Embraer 145 aircraft. It was handed over to the Western Air Command Chief at the Bhatinda airbase. In present times, when countries like Pakistan and China are strengthening their defence capabilities, this aircraft will help to address India’s capability asymmetry with these countries. In fact, it was the Netra system that earlier helped India plan and executes the Balakot airstrikes deep within Pakistani territory. Strengthening Defensive Capability India already has three Israeli Falcon AEWACS systems in the IAF fleet and this Netra aircraft will help to complement them. There are reports that India is planning to procure 2 more AWACS systems as it is estimated that India will need at least 20 of such surveillance systems to develop adequate defensive and offensive capability in the Eastern and Western fronts which are guarded by the IAF. Image Source: Rediff.com