This Young Man Performed More Than a Thousand Good Deeds After He Refused to Help a Stranger
Jon Potter is a 29-year-old handyman residing in Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. He is likened to a superhero for his ability to extend his help to anyone in need. It all happened long back in 2015 when he turned down a request for a ride from a woman who wanted to go to a women’s shelter. He felt terrible for not having helped her and vowed that he would be kinder the next time any stranger asks for help. Later, when he was browsing through Pittsburgh Reddit forum, he came across a person who needed help installing a TV antenna. Potter immediately rendered his help and that too free of charge. Next day, someone needed a cat sitter and Potter readily obliged. One good deed led to another and it snowballed from there. Potter told The Washington Post that he decided that next year, if anyone asked for help, he would do it as long as it is legal and doesn’t harm anyone. It didn’t stop at one year and continued to this day completing more than a thousand good deeds. The nature of his good work ranges from helping people move, buying them groceries to raising money for a teen in his community and even getting injured while stopping hate crime. Last month, he went a step further and donated a kidney to a stranger in an unmatched act of kindness. Potter’s efforts to reach out to others and help them was instrumental in overcoming his own struggle with depression. According to him, helping others was the "missing puzzle piece" in his life.