Inside the Well With a Leopard: The Incredible Story of a Veterinarian’s Daring Rescue
Dr. Pandikanda Meghana Pemmaiah had always been passionate about wildlife and dedicated her life to saving animals in distress. She had faced many challenges in her career, but nothing could prepare her for the mission she was about to undertake. One morning, she received a call from the Forest Department about a leopard that had fallen into a deep well. Despite the danger involved, Dr. Meghana volunteered to go down the well to save the starving animal. She knew that time was running out, and the leopard's life was in danger. When Dr. Meghana reached the well, she realized that the leopard was not visible from the top. She had to go down into the well to tranquilize the animal and bring it back to safety. She sat inside a cage that was lowered into the well, armed with a tranquilizer gun. As she descended into the well, Dr. Meghana felt her heart racing. The adrenaline rush was intense, and she knew that one wrong move could cost her life. But she was determined to save the leopard, no matter what. Finally, after a tense and daring two-hour rescue operation, Dr. Meghana was able to pull the one-year-old feline into the same cage. The leopard was unconscious but alive. Dr. Meghana had saved its life. After administering the required medicines for the feline to rejuvenate and get back its strength, Dr. Meghana handed over the leopard to the Forest Department that released it back to the wild. It was a successful rescue mission, and Dr. Meghana felt a sense of immense satisfaction for having saved a life. Wildlife rescue operations were nothing new for Dr. Meghana, but this mission had been the most challenging and dramatic. She had faced her fears and had come out victorious. Her passion for wildlife and her commitment to saving animals in distress would continue to drive her, no matter what challenges lay ahead.