Breaking World Records: The Amazing Story of the World's Largest Recyclable Bird Feeder
Bird watching and bird feeding have become popular pastimes among nature enthusiasts and animal lovers. While traditional bird feeders can hold a few handfuls of grains, one man from Maharashtra has taken bird feeding to the next level. Meet Haresh Shah, the man behind the world's largest bird feeder, certified by the Guinness World Records. This massive bird feeder, made from recyclable materials, can hold up to 700 kilograms of grain and feed 108 birds simultaneously. Shah was inspired to create this impressive feeder after installing a few market-bought feeders at his farm and witnessing the increasing number of birds visiting. What is even more inspiring is that this bird enthusiast did not stop at building the world's largest bird feeder. Shah, who previously worked at a jewellery store, left his job in 2014 to start a business selling specialized bird feeders and nests. His website, amijivdaya.com, offers products such as bird homes, bird water holders, sparrow homes, and bird food. Shah's massive bird feeder costs Rs 3,80,000 and is a testament to his love for birds and the environment. The fact that it is made of recyclable material is a testament to his commitment to sustainability. The previous world record holder for the largest bird feeder was William "Dan" Greene from West Virginia, who made a bird feeder that could hold up to 345 kilograms of grains. Haresh Shah has now set the bar even higher with his incredible creation, and his love for birds is inspiring others to appreciate and care for these beautiful creatures.