Observing World Press Freedom Day
Press is said to be fourth pillar of democracy. Preserving its freedom is important. Each year, press freedom is emphasized on May 3, the World Press Freedom Day around the world. On this day, press freedom is evaluated, and tribute is paid to journalists who have lost their lives in while performing their duties. At the same time, need to prevent attacks on the independence of media is highlighted. Also, the occasion is marked by informing the citizens regarding breach of press freedom and how several countries all around the world censor the press and fines it for publishing truth. Not only this, the journalists and editors as also publishers are attacked and sometimes murdered for reporting truth. How World Press Freedom Day Started: World Press Freedom Day was started on 3 May by the UN General Assembly in 1993. On twenty-sixth session of UNESCO's General Conference in 1991, a recommendation on this regard was made and eventually it was adopted. The occasion is used to remind the governments all over the world with regards to press freedom. The media professionals reflect about issues like professional ethics and press freedom. Importance of Observing the Day: World Press Freedom Day is observed to support media and press freedom. It is also a day to pay respect to those journalists who lost their lives in the line of their duty towards their profession. UNESCO commemorates the World Press Freedom Day by honoring a deserving individual, organisation or institution with Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize. It was created in 1997 in honour of a Colombian journalist Guillermo Cano Isaza, who was killed in front of the office of his newspaper, El Espectador, in Bogotá, on 17 December 1986 as his reports had offended Colombia's drug barons. The prize recommended by independent jury of 14 news professionals. The names of deserving candidates are forwarded by UNESCO member states as well as regional and international non-governmental organizations which work for press freedom. UNESCO also brings together not only media professionals, but also press freedom organisations and other UN agencies for taking stock of the state of press freedom in the world. It also suggests solutions for various challenges faced by the media on World Press Freedom Day. Topics Covered by UNESCO Conference: The topics covered by UNESCO Conference on this day each year include media coverage of terrorism, role of media in post-conflict countries and good governance. The day also is marked by various media events, lectures by dignitaries and awareness drive about World Press Freedom Day and its relevance. In today’s world torn in to conflicts of various kind, state sponsored terrorism, human right violation, refugee issue, environment degrading, global climate change and many more serious issues, freedom of press gains much more important than any other time before. Press Freedom needs to be respected and guarded by every citizen, organization, institution and all the countries of the world.