World Food Day- October 16th
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations was founded on 16th October 1945. This day is annually celebrated all around the world as ‘World Food Day’. It is celebrated to tackle problems relating to hunger and food. On this day, a large number of events-- from marathons and hunger marches to exhibitions, cultural performances, contests and concerts – are organized in many countries. Since 1981, World Food Day has adopted a different theme each year in order to highlight areas needed for action and provide a common focus. In 2015, the theme of World Food Day was "Social Protection and Agriculture: Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty". In 2016, it addressed food-related issues arising on account of climate change. This year’s theme is ‘Change the future of migration. Invest in food security and rural development.’ The FAO has acknowledged the important link between food security, rural development and migration. It is working with governments, UN agencies, the private sector, civil society and local communities, to generate evidence on migration patterns and is building countries’ capacities to address migration through rural development policies. It aims at exploring the developmental potential of migration, especially in terms of food security. It is a known fact that a large share of migrants come from rural areas where more than 75% of world’s poor depend on agriculture and natural resource-based livelihoods. The FAO stresses the need for international cooperation to create conditions that allow communities to live in peace and prosperity in their homelands. Problems arising on account of migration like rural poverty, lack of employment, food insecurity can be addressed through agriculture and rural development. The FAO is playing an important role in bringing to light the root causes of internal and international migration and displacement and in nurturing the developmental potential of migration, especially in terms of food security and poverty reduction. Before I conclude let me share with you some interesting food facts- The first meal eaten on the Moon included bacon squares, sugar biscuits, coffee, a pineapple and grapefruit juice drink and tinned peaches. The first food eaten by astronauts that had been grown in space was Romaine lettuce on the International Space Station in August 2015. 75 McDonald’s hamburgers are sold every second around the world. A study in China in 2015 revealed that people who eat spicy foods tend to live longer. Last year, Chan Hong Meng of Singapore became the first street food vendor to be awarded a Michelin star.