Some Amazing Health Benefits of Guava
The guava tree is a common sight in Indian towns and villages and I remember seeing kids climb the guava tree to pluck and relish the fruit. You will be surprised to know that this common fruit which we might as well take for granted is actually a storehouse of nutrients and provides us with amazing health benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of guava fruit that you must know. Guava induces weight loss Guava is one important fruit that helps to induce weight loss. Its high fibre content keeps you full for long and curbs your desire to eat often. Although it is rich in vitamins and minerals, it is low in calories that make it an excellent weight loss fruit. Improves blood sugar levels The guava fruit though it is sweet, is very beneficial to diabetic patients. Studies have proved that the fruit can control blood sugar levels naturally. Its fibre content is also very beneficial for diabetics. Apart from the fruit, guava leaves are also known to be very effective in maintaining sugar levels. Helps Digestion The high fibre content in guava aids digestion and helps in better bowel movement. Incorporating guava in your diet will take care of digestion problems apart from providing you with the essential nutrients. Sound immune system Guava contains loads of vitamin C which is an immunity booster. So add guava to your daily diet to increase your immunity and stay clear of illness and infections. A strong immune system provides natural protection against infections and illnesses. Guava also contains antioxidants and anti-aging properties that works wonders for your skin and overall health.