These Firefighters Went Out of Their Way to Help a Wheelchair-Bound Woman
The members of the Webster Groves Fire Department in Missouri were responding to a call when they noticed a wheelchair-bound woman falling over when she was trying to get inside her home. The kind firefighters were concerned that this could happen again and they decided to help the resident. They saw that it was due to the multiple stairs and uneven terrain that led to the house which made it difficult for the helpless woman to get inside. Fortunately, the woman was not injured, but the firefighters knew that this incident could recur. They decided to make the way to her home easily accessible for her. They went back to her house a few days later with shovels and concrete and spent several days digging out and constructing a sidewalk for her. Now, the house is wheelchair accessible. The resident has a level pathway and ramp making it very convenient for her to gain access to her home. The best part about this beautiful act is that the good firefighters didn’t do it as part of their job. They did it in the weekend during their off-time and weren’t paid. How touched and blessed the woman must have felt at this thoughtful and selfless act of the firefighters.