German User Cracks Twitter Code To Post 35,000 Character Tweet
On Saturday, two Germans made use of a loophole on Twitter to post a tweet with as many as 35,000 characters. Currently, users have a 280 character limit on Twitter. The tweet which was later deleted read: "People! @Timrasett and @HackneyYT can exceed the character limit! You do not believe us? Here's about 35k characters proof." It was followed by a string of 35,000 random characters. While Twitter briefly suspended the account of the German users, they were operational soon after the duo apologized. They said they just wanted to show that it is easy to breach the character limit of Twitter. It is not very clear how they did it. According to a report in Gizmodo, the tweet was possibly formatted as a url, containing the code ".cc/tsyau" somewhere in the tweet body, which allowed circumvention of Twitter's character limit restriction. A spokesperson from Twitter informed that necessary changes have been made to fix the bug. The users, however, have no plans of withdrawing from their exploits and is preparing to find more bugs on the social media platform. They tweeted that they are trying to find bugs on Twitter and this is just the beginning.