Know More About This One of a Kind Tree Ambulance
As awareness spreads about the need to protect our environment through afforestation and conservation of trees, the tree ambulance of Chennai is a big effort in that direction. It renders various services like shifting and survey of trees, seed ball distribution, removal of dead trees and many more. The tree ambulance service is the brainchild of Abdul Ghani whose aim is to spread this service throughout the country. The president of the initiative, Mr. Suresh was distraught at the destruction of trees during the ‘Vardah’ and ‘Gaja’ cyclones and the Chennai floods. He, therefore, wholeheartedly supported Ghani in this project. The Tree Ambulance The tree ambulance is the first one in the country which has a hydraulic machine for lifting big trees. The purpose of the tree ambulance is to save trees by caring for sick ones and helping bring back uprooted trees and protect the trees. It also provides services such as seed ball distribution, plant distribution, aiding tree plantation, shifting and survey of trees as well as the removal of dead trees. Ghani’s aim is to have at least one tree ambulance for all districts of India by 2020. Technique While shifting trees, certain factors are taken into consideration. Each tree has a few important roots that shouldn’t be cut. The hydraulic spade is made in such a way that it digs deep into the soil without meeting at the centre so that the important roots are not cut. It is also important to move some part of the soil to which the roots are attached. The width of the pit where the tree will be replanted should be made according to the requirement of trees as the pit width varies for different trees. Unlike trees that grow naturally, replanted trees are to be provided with very good care like frequent watering and monitoring. A tree ambulance is certainly the need of the hour in present times when trees are recklessly being cut in the name of development.