Smart Chargers To Be Introduced For Electric Vehicles
The central government had declared that there will be only electric vehicles in India by 2030. However, to make this vision possible, there needs to be a proper infrastructure for such vehicles. Now, Fortum India, a wholly owned subsidiary of clean energy company Fortum Ovi has launched a smart EV charger at the SCOPE Complex in New Delhi on Monday. During the launch, it was announced that India will get nearly 150 smart electric vehicles (EV) charging stations over next 12-18 months. The charger will be powered by electricity from NTPC Ltd, the largest power generator in the country. Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID) will enable the charger to identify authorised users (owners or drivers of electric vehicles) who will only have to flash their smart cards at a specific point on the charger before recharging their vehicles. Necessary power cost will be deducted from the balance in the smart card. E- mobility is the need of the hour as India shifts to clean energy and aims to reduce fuel imports. " A K Gupta, director (commercial & operations), NTPC Ltd said during the launch that they are in the process of exploring possible ways to put up charging stations across all NTPC stations and also in discussion with a few states. Fortum India managing director Sanjay Aggarwal stated that Fortum's supporting hardware agnostic infrastructure, equipped with a flexible payment gateway shall provide consumers a seamless experience of charging their vehicles in a friendly environment at a location, time and price of their choice.