Bikaner, Safest City In Rajasthan.
Here's a good news for the citizens of Bikaner as Bikaner has been marked as the safest city in Rajasthan. With the crime rising in other cities, we see a drop in the criminal cases of Bikaner city. The drop of 13.06 percent in criminal cases in 2017 and the district also topped among the 44 police districts, recording 18.85 percent reduction in crime. There was a sharp decline of 23.11 percent in women atrocities cases, in Bikaner range, making it the highest in the state. Major cognizable offences like murder, theft and kidnapping have witnessed a downfall of 1,69, 943 in 2017 compared to 1,80,398 cases in 2016. Bikaner is showing us the right path towards safety. Let's pledge to follow the rules and help in reducing the crime to make India a safer country for every individual.