A Unique Ravana Effigy Sets an Excellent Example of Sustainable Living
Mother Dairy is doing its best to make people aware of the need to reduce the use of plastic. It has been organizing awareness drives urging people to junk plastic and awareness march where people pledge to reduce the use of plastic. To drive home the point. Mother Dairy commissioned a 25-feet effigy of Ravana which was totally made from the plastic waste collected from more than 4000 households. Instead of burning the effigy, it was dismantled and sent to recycling units. The collection drive for the Ravana effigy was carried in areas across Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida, Faridabad and Ghaziabad, with consumers depositing plastic waste at select milk booths in these regions. Leading NGOs also supported this drive for a door to door collection. The effigy was not burnt, but dismantled by IPCA, a producer responsibility organization certified by the Central Pollution Control Board. Mother Dairy, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) was formed under 'Operation Flood', the world's largest dairy development programme launched to make India a milk sufficient nation. Knowledge is power and by creating awareness among the people to reduce plastic, Mother dairy is empowering people to live in harmony with nature and the environment.