Subhajit Mukherjee's Commendable And Cost-Effective Idea To Implement Rainwater Harvesting
Mumbai receives an average rainfall of almost 2500mm every year so, imagine the amount of water that can be saved if rainwater harvesting is implemented? In a country where water is a major crisis, people must understand the importance of RWH as it can make the future secure. And Mumbai’s Subhajit Mukherjee is trying his best to utilize a cost-effective method in schools. Recently Subhajit took to his Facebook profile and posted about it. They are looking for 4 feet by 4 feet area in schools to implement RWH and its cost will be taken care of by him. He will not implement the method alone but, also involve the students so that they can learn how it is done. The things that are needed to make the method a success are a big drum along with pipes that connect the terrace water. A pit must also be dug according to the size of the drum and it should be surrounded by stones in order to let the water penetrate in the soil. The drum must be drilled all over and equipped with a filter net to restrain solid waste from getting inside it. The requirements are easily accessible, therefore, the method can be implemented by anybody. If you want to learn how it can be done, you can take a look at a video posted by Subhajit on his Facebook profile. Subhajit has received a great response from people and the media for explaining everyone how RWH can be done with the help of an easy and cost-effective way. His commendable idea has left us wondering how effective it would turn out to be if all of us start doing our part. May the schools give him all the support that he needs to make it a success. Image Courtesy: Subhajit Mukherjee's Facebook Profile