Khwaja Moinuddin – The Man Who Gave Up His Comfortable Job to Follow His Passion
Khwaja Moinuddin is an MBA who worked as a journalist for a reputed Telugu channel. His work involved interviewing politicians and it helped him pay his bills. It’s the urge to do something he loved that made him quit his job in an air-conditioned office to go outdoors and working for12-13 hours. Moinuddin along with his friends Srinath and Bhagat decided to start a food channel - Nawab’s Kitchen. It was decided that Moinuddin would cook while Srinath and Bhagat would film it. However, they wanted to do something unique and not just cook and eat the food themselves. They, therefore, came up with the idea of feeding the less privileged children. Initially, they were reluctant to approach an orphanage wondering about their response, but Moinuddin knew that he had a purpose and he won’t be turned down. They offered to prepare lunch for the staff and children for a day. Their offer was accepted and from then on there was no looking back. The trio made five videos which attracted many viewers, but they met a roadblock when their funds got over. He was almost on the verge of giving up when a well-wisher called and suggested him to ask for sponsorship from viewers. By then, the videos had garnered many fans who were ready to donate to Moinuddin’s noble cause. Moinuddin made many more videos from giant omelettes to king-size cakes which the children from orphanages would heartily relish. Moinuddin is so passionate about his work that he himself does all the cooking – right from the scratch- from washing vessels to adding the final touches of garnishing. It takes him nearly 4-5 hours to make the videos which now has more than a million subscribers. The story of Moinuddin inspires us to follow our dreams and do what we like to do and not what society expects us to do. Moinuddin is our star citizen who encourages us to dream big and achieve it too.