International Workers' Day: An Insight Into It's Introduction
Aristotle once said, “pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” We love working on something which has our heart thus, the passion for it comes naturally while some put in all their efforts just to earn bread and butter for their families. May 1 is marked as the ‘International Worker’s Day or Labour Day which is celebrated by the working classes all over the world. In the year 1886, A pan-national organization selected the date in order to show respect to the Haymarket affair. The working class was once expected to work for more than eight hours in a day for which they were not paid extra. On May 1, 1886, around 350, 000 workers held a strike as they wanted the employers to introduce a standard of 8-hour workday. The strikes were held at different parts of the US. In India, May Day is considered as Antarrashtriya Shramik Diwas or Kamgar Divas and it is one of the many countries which declare a public holiday on the first of May. In 1923, Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan celebrated the first Labor Day in Madras which garnered recognition. May 1 is also marked as Maharashtra Day and Gujarat Day as both the states succeeded in achieving statehood in 1960. People in England celebrate the Labor Day by performing Morris dance (An English folk dance) while some of them dance around the Maypole on the occasion of May Day. Talking about Australia, Canada, and the USA, the countries celebrate May Day at different times of the year. The first of May is a significant day for all the working classes, the demography of the world is enormous but, among so many people there are several who are unemployed. Thus, the world will be a better place to live in the day the entire population gets employed.