India’s First Green Taxi Fleet Launched in Kerala
It is the need of the hour to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and reduce our carbon footprint to combat climate change. The use of electric vehicles is a great step towards achieving this end. So when the country's first green taxi fleet was launched by MGS in Kerala, it did spell good news. Dr Shashi Tharoor inaugurated the green taxi service by taking the first ride. MGS is one of the largest travel operators in Kerala and it launched the country’s green taxi service by adding 10 Tata XPRES-T electric cars to its 400+ fleet. MGS has plans to further increase its fleet of green taxis to 100 in a year. Managing Director of MGS, M S Anilkumar said that it has become imperative now to usher in the green revolution and they are happy to have launched India’s first fleet of green taxis. Currently, the company’s operations of its fleet are based at four international airports and four information technology parks. The best thing about green taxis is that apart from reducing operating costs, it also contributes to the environment by decreasing the dependence on fossil fuels and reducing pollution levels. Let's hope that this green initiative catches up with the rest of India.