Let's Take A Pledge To Safeguard Our Environment On The 49th International Earth Day
We have been taught to preserve our environment since our school days but, how many of us are literally following the things that were written in our textbooks? Earlier children could not resist themselves from going to the park or field but, today the world is turning digital and most kids prefer spending time on their gadgets. Right from trees to lush green parks, the greenery is diminishing almost everyday. With an increase in the industrial revolution, the present generation is missing out on the actual beauty of our planet. But a little contribution can still conserve a lot. On this 49th annual Earth Day let’s take a look at how we can safeguard our planet. We often complain about our surroundings if it is not clean. The sight of a packet of a wafer or a bottle of water thrown in the middle of the road may have disgusted you. But have you ever thought to yourself why it is happening? Lack of awareness is certainly one of the primary reasons. Thus, it’s important to educate people. Littering roads is not the only concern because humans are also polluting water bodies. A change will definitely come once the littering is stopped. We don’t understand the value of a certain thing until and unless we lose it completely. Several regions in India are still facing water scarcity and keeping that in mind we should make it a point to preserve water. Forgetting to close the tap after washing hands may seem like a petty thing to a lot of you but, always remember the less water you use the more you preserve. Conserving electricity is yet another way to do something for our planet earth. Switching off the fans and lights after stepping out of the room is naturally mandatory but, also try to fix energy saving light bulbs in your homes. You can carry a hydro flask along with yourself when you go out of your house. This way you can refill the bottle whenever you want to which will restrain you from buying a plastic bottle. Most people cannot do without their cars or motorbikes but, try not to use them whenever you are covering a short distance. You can either cycle to your destination or take a long walk. . Several households throw away pieces of papers in bulk every year which leads to a huge amount of wastage. Therefore, urge the shop owners to send you a digital copy of your bill every time you purchase anything. Take part in tree planting drives every year to make a difference. Planting a tree can help solve climate change. Even a small contribution can end up in big results. The world will become a better place to live in once the change comes from within