Did You Know Music Acts As Therapy and Soothes Our Tired Nerves?
Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything – Plato. Did you know that music also acts as therapy and soothes our tired nerves? Whether you are behind the wheel in slow-moving traffic or you are burdened with household chores, music helps you get through the monotonous drag of daily life. Here, I am sharing with you some incredible benefits of music: Good music helps us to complete our tasks quicker, especially if you are doing something repetitive such as checking email or filing documents. Studies have found that upbeat tunes improved the efficiency and accuracy of workers. Listening to music before surgery reduces anxiety in patients and helps limit the need for sedatives. Studies have confirmed that anxiety and pain levels are considerably less in those patients who listen to music after surgery, thus reducing the need for pain medication. When one is listening to music, time flies. It has been proved that when music is playing, people judge the waiting period as shorter. Retailers use this to their advantage, playing music so that you stay longer and spend more. It has been observed that more food and drinks are sold in restaurants and bars where music is played. People seem to become more creative when happy music is played. They yield excellent creative output while listening to music rather than sitting in silence. This is because music triggers the creative juices to flow or relaxes you enough to enhance your creativity. Music has such a profound effect on our senses that it alleviates discomfort and helps us stay upbeat. That is the reason why music is played in gymnasiums. It reduces your urge to quit the workout and pushes you to exert more.