DCP Naiks's Rescue Operation To Save Vihaan
A child is very special to its parents and no parent would want their child to be caught in trouble. But Vihaan Gupta's parents were in pain and agony after their son was abducted on January 25. Delhi Police came to the rescue of this missing child. The crew that involved 5 policemen finally found Vihaan after a 90-minute chase followed with a shootout. The rescue operation that had been named a C-River was the thought process of the DCP Ram Gopal Naik, who supervised the whole operation. Naik in the past has performed another such operation where he rescued a 11 year old boy. In that case, the kidnappers were using different public phone booths to make ransom calls which made it difficult for us to pinpoint their location. I deployed 500 plainclothes policemen to man each of the 250 phone booths in the city for days. When one of the kidnappers finally used a phone booth to make another ransom demand, our men nabbed him and he led us to the child,” said Naik. India needs more inspectors like Naik who do everything that it takes to save a child from such incidents.