Good News As Coral Reefs Are Making a Comeback on India’s East Coast
Good news as coral reefs are making a comeback on India’s east coast Scientists are surprised to find that the damaged coral reefs have sprung back to life again Coral reefs are said to contain the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Apart from providing shelter to a variety of marine organisms, they also protect coastlines from wave actions and tropical storms. It is no wonder then, that scientists studying corals on the east coast of India were pleasantly surprised to see that the corals which had been damaged earlier have made a robust comeback. While studies have shown that corals on the west coast of India in the Gulf of Kutch are bleaching away due to warmer waters, nearly all damaged corals in Palk Bay on the east coast have recovered while 85 per cent of corals has regenerated in the Gulf of Mannar. Why Do Corals Bleach? Corals get damaged or bleached due to the increase in global surface temperature caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Unesco has made a grave prediction that if greenhouse gases continue at the current rate, then coral reefs in all 29 reef-containing World Heritage sites will cease to exist. Therefore, scientists are elated by the near-total recovery of the coral reefs on the east coast. How Corals Made A Comeback According to scientists, a drop in seawater temperatures is responsible for the revival of coral reefs. Corals survive in temperatures between 23 degree Celsius to 29 degree Celsius. Although sea surface temperatures had peaked earlier this year, they dropped to 29 -30 degree Celsius triggering the quick recovery of coral reefs. Coral Reef springing back to life is very good news as it is an indicator of the health of the sea and oceans and protects our coastlines.