Why Coconut Is Rightly Called a Superfood
I have always wondered why Keralites have dark lustrous hair and glowing skin. The secret I guess is in their diet which is rich in coconut. As I tried to find out more about coconut, I realized that it is a versatile fruit with a variety of essential nutrients that can be consumed as water, milk, meat which is edible fresh or dried. There has been a little controversy about coconut oil being unhealthy for the heart. Retired CSIRO scientist and honorary research fellow at the University of Queensland, Mike Foale, who has been studying the coconut palm for more than four decades dismisses such doubts and believes coconut is a superfood. Here is a list of benefits that you can enjoy by incorporating coconut in your diet: Natural source of energy: Consumption of coconut water leads to an instant source of energy. Coconut water is ultra-hydrating due to the presence of electrolytes in it. It contains simple sugar, electrolytes, minerals, and bioactive compounds. Aids in Digestion: Coconuts are high in fiber, which helps the digestive system and supports bowel regularity. Besides this, coconut meat is known to strengthen gut bacteria, which protects against inflammations. Muscle Regeneration: The protein present in coconut helps in muscle regeneration. Magnesium helps to move calcium and potassium into muscles to aid in contraction and relaxation. Glowing skin: Coconut contains copper and vitamin C that keeps skin elastic, flexible, moisturized and helps to heal wounds. The medium-chain fatty acids found in coconut oil also possess antimicrobial properties that can help treat acne and protect the skin from harmful bacteria. Other benefits: Ascorbic acid, B vitamins, and potassium present in coconut aids in heart health and supports the nervous system. Iron builds strong bones and magnesium causes relaxing effects physically and mentally. Did you know that coconut oil fights bacteria responsible for tooth decay and according to Irish research, it could be a healthy, non-chemical additive in toothpaste and mouthwash. I hope that gives you enough reasons to smile and include coconut in your diet.