Uttar Pradesh First State to have Climate Change Authority
Uttar Pradesh is the first state in the country which will have a Climate Change Authority. It will be headed by Chief Minister Yogi Adinath and will work towards implementing seven conservation missions mentioned in the UP State Action plan on Climate(SAPC). An initial corpus of Rs 20 crore has been sanctioned for the Authority. The governing and executive body will have experts and individuals who have worked for the cause of the environment as members. The seven missions under SAPC are sustainable agriculture mission, solar mission, energy efficiency mission, Green UP forestry mission, Jal mission, strategic knowledge mission and sustainable habitat mission. Agriculture mission is dedicated to check the impact of climate change on crops as in UP, climate sensitivity of agriculture is very high on account of heat and cold waves, floods and droughts. The solar mission will encourage the use of solar energy and will set up 500Mw of grid interactive solar power in five years to bridge the conventional energy demand-supply gap and check GHG emissions. Energy efficiency mission energy encourages energy efficient technologies by reduction in government taxes and duties. Green UP forestry mission will encourage plantation while Jal mission will increase water-use efficiency, manage urban storm water and STP and promote integrated water resource management in over-exploited areas. Strategic knowledge mission will involve creation, management and dissemination of knowledge, primary data generation with studies, surveys, research and modeling, setting up of dedicated research centers in universities and colleges and integration of climate change agenda with district plan activities. Under sustainable habitat mission, steps will be taken to work for housing for all, solid waste management, bus rapid transit system, vector-borne disease control and warning system, water metering to improve efficiency and modification of municipal laws to encourage PPP in water supply and sanitation.