This Hunger Warrior Doesn’t Want a Single Child to Go Hungry
When India is making giant strides in progress and development, it is sad that more than 600 million people in the country still go to bed hungry while many cannot afford even a proper meal in a day. The number of malnourished children in the country is also alarming. The government is doing its best to help the poor and hungry people by providing them food through midday meals and Indira canteens. However, it has not been able to successfully alleviate the problem. Therefore, many responsible and concerned citizens have pitched in to feed the hungry and one such person is Chinu Kwatra. Roti Ghar Chinu Kwatra is an MBA graduate and founder of Roti Ghar which he commenced with the help of a few volunteers from his NGO Khushiyaan Foundation. He first started with a centralized kitchen that was monitored by his father. Initially, they fed a hundred children in a day. Along with food, he also thought them basic hygiene. It became his primary aim to provide marginalized sections with nutrition-packed meals. Soon the number increased to 1000 children and he hopes to extend his service to other states as well. Noble Initiative Kwatra started this noble initiative with many important things in his mind. First of all, he didn’t want to harm the environment, so he told the children to bring their own vessels. Along with rice, dal and pickle, he has also started serving a boiled egg, keeping in mind the nutritional requirements of the children. The volunteers taught them some basic rules like forming a queue and washing hands before eating. They also provided them with toothpaste, toothbrush and sanitary pads for menstrual hygiene. Kwatra now intends to start medical camps for the benefit of the less fortunate children. The country needs more such dedicated people like Chinu Kwatra and his team who are sacrificing their time, energy and resources to pacify the hunger of underprivileged children.