Children’s Energy and Enthusiasm Gets the Right Direction
Mohammed Taher has dedicated more than a decade of his life towards the upliftment of the children in his community through holistic development and education. Mohammad Taher, a social outreach worker put hundreds of kids who were dropouts back into school. He arranged for vocational training so that they learnt skills that could help them get jobs and saved many young children from child labour. It was through his perseverant efforts that child marriages came down drastically in his community. School For Children When Mohammed Taher, a Telengana social worker noticed that there was not a single school in the nearby slum, he visited local authorities who kept turning him down saying that there was no land to build the school. Without being discouraged by the negative response, he himself located vacant land and reported to the authorities who finally relented and the school was built. Now, around 265 children from the slum area have opened the doorway to a better life by regularly attending school. Restricting Child Marriages Taher soon realized providing education was not enough. As soon as girls attained puberty they were forced to drop out of school and later would be married off due to religious and community pressure. He, therefore, organized anti-child marriage campaigns that covered around 675 adolescents and 350 parents. That helped him to effectively stop ten child marriages from taking place. Due to his efforts, the number of child marriages has come down drastically in his area. So far, he has counseled 4500 girls on child marriage, economic empowerment, health and hygiene. Providing Skill Training Taher realized that socio-economic and cultural factors hindered the progress of women of his community. He strived hard for gender equality so that women could also contribute to economic progress. Through community outreach, review meetings and counselling for these young women, Taher was able to bring about a welcome change in the society. Women started attending vocational courses to learn new skills that would entitle them to earn and become financially independent, thus contributing to the welfare of her family. Putting An End To Child Labour The reason for increasing incidence of child labour was that the children hailed from economically backward sections of society where parents thought that it would be better if their children could work and contribute towards family income rather than going to school. Taher knew that this was unfair for the child as children have the right to education and lead a fulfilling life. He therefore rescued and rehabilitated hundreds of such child labourers and put them back to school. Children are a bundle of energy, enthusiasm, curiosity and joy and all these factors need to be given the proper direction for them to blossom into responsible and happy individuals. Mohammed Taher understands this very well and has been able to successfully uplift thousands of children who are the future of our country. This Children's Day, let us strive to be sensitive to the children around us and help them grow into beautiful individuals. At the same time, let us imbibe some of the precious qualities that kids possess and allow the child in us to come alive. Happy Children's Day to all our readers!