When Stress and Anxiety Pulls You Down, This Emotional Fitness App Comes to Your Rescue
In 2018, when the world was already under enough stress due to the Covid-19 pandemic, ThinkRight.me, an emotional fitness app from Pune-based IT giant JetSynthesys, was downloaded one million times and quickly rose to become one of India's fastest-growing platforms for mindfulness. On ThinkRight.me, articles by Brahma Kumari Sister Shivani, and other experts in the field of mindfulness and fitness have been curated and include yoga, affirmations, positive thinking, meditation and other such tools. Users are kept on track throughout the day with aids like three-minute reminders. Users are kept on task throughout the day by tools like three-minute reminders. More than 3.25 million individuals in 121 countries have currently downloaded ThinkRight.me. Happy with the success, JetSynthesys is increasing its investment in this area. At the head office in Pune's Kalyani Nagar, the team behind ThinkRight.me is currently putting the finishing touches on the next stage Right Life, a new organization designed for the post-pandemic world. It will offer a holistic approach to living, including eating and speaking right. According to Rajan Navani, vice-chairman and managing director of JetSynthesys, their goal for the future is to figure out how to bring ThinkRight.me's dialogue to the West, with the US as a key target market. He adds that they aim to develop an ecosystem of mindfulness on the digital medium.