Five Ways to Shun Plastic
The Centre, in order to protect and conserve our environment, was all set to impose a ban on single-use plastic from October 2. However, amidst fear of the ban being disruptive for the industry amidst fears of an economic slowdown and job losses, the plan has been shelved for now. There is no doubt that plastic is a great polluter as it aggravates air pollution when it is burnt and causes harm to marine organisms when it enters seas and oceans. We are so inclined to use plastic because of its convenience that we fail to notice the harm it is causing to the environment. Even if we realize the hazards, we ignore it thinking that one person won’t make a difference. Therefore, a collective ban on plastic had become imperative. A small effort from our side will go a long way in creating a big impact on our environment. Here are some ways by which you can eliminate the use of plastic: Reusable water bottle: While traveling, always carry your own reusable water bottle which can be refilled instead of buying the packaged ones and then disposing them to create plastic waste. Say no to plastic glass and cutlery: In recent years, more and more households had resorted to plastic cutlery while hosting get-togethers and parties as there is no hassle of washing utensils and they can be disposed of easily. However, after a function, the heap of plastic waste poses a huge pollution problem. Therefore, make the switch to eco-friendly cutlery like the ones made from wood which are readily available at supermarkets. Avoid plastic straws: When you are being served a lemonade or cold coffee, say no to plastic straws and ask for paper straws or glass straws in its place. Get your own cloth bag: Carrying your own cloth bag to buy groceries and other stuff will be a major step towards curbing plastic pollution. The reusable cloth bag can drastically cut down the use of plastic as people very carelessly ask for plastic carry bags even for one or two items. This habit should stop and one should always keep a cloth carry bag while stepping out of the house. Buy milk in a glass bottle: In my childhood days, I remember my mother would daily keep glass bottles at the door of the house which the milk vendor would replace with refilled and sealed milk bottles. This practice should return to avoid pollution caused by billions of milk packets. Let us take this initiative by ourselves to shun single-use plastic and thus make a big contribution to the environment as well as to humanity.