This Pathbreaking Invention by Scientists Creates Clean Gas That Could Replace Petrol
Currently, fossil fuels are the major source of energy used throughout the world, but considering their debilitating effect on the environment, scientists and researchers are trying to create alternative sources of energy that are sustainable. Recently, scientists in the UK made a breakthrough when they developed an artificial leaf that could be used to make clean gas and in the future, it may even replace petrol. The Artificial Leaf The artificial ‘leaf’ requires only sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to create clean gas also called syngas. Syngas, or synthesis gas, is a fuel gas mixture consisting primarily of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Syngas has many beneficial uses. It is primarily used in the production of fuel, pharmaceuticals, plastics, and fertilizers. However, the current industrial processes to create syngas releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, this leaf does not do so. The Technology Scientists were inspired by the natural process of photosynthesis which leaves adopt to prepare their food. The artificial leaf has two light absorbers that are combined with a catalyst made from cobalt. When the leaf is in contact with water, one of the light absorbers uses the catalyst to create oxygen, and the other reduces the carbon dioxide and water into carbon monoxide and hydrogen to form clean gas. This groundbreaking technology can be used to create a sustainable liquid fuel alternative to petrol. Image Source: Mirror