Artificial clouds to study disturbances
NASA is all set to release rockets that will form white artificial clouds which will enable scientists to study the disturbances in the upper atmosphere that interfere with communication and technology systems. According to the US space agency, residents of the Republic of the Marshall Islands will be able to see the artificial clouds between August 29 and September 9 when the two rocket flights are slated to take off. Certain disturbances are known to occur after sunset at latitudes near the equator in part of the ionosphere. These disturbances interfere with radio communication, navigation and imaging systems and pose a hazard to technology and society that depends on it. The Waves and Instabilities from a Neutral Dynamo (WINDY) mission will study this phenomenon with the help of the artificial clouds. The first rocket will carry a substance called tri-methyl aluminium (TMA) and lithium which will be released in the upper atmosphere to form artificial glowing clouds. Scientists on the ground will study these clouds to measure the winds and energetic particles that are in motion in the upper atmosphere. Five minutes after the launch of the first rocket, a second rocket carrying instruments to measure ionosphere densities and electric and magnetic fields present in these storms will be launched. Both rockets will enable scientists to study the disturbances in the ionosphere and find remedies to fix it.