The Northeast to Gets Its First Honey Bee Development Centre
As demand for honey grows in international markets, apiculture, the care and management of bees for their honey and wax is gradually being adopted by many as a profession. An integrated honey beekeeping centre will soon be set up in Meghalaya to meet the growing demand for honey. Bee Mission The National Bee Board has decided to open a honey bee development centre in Meghalaya, the first of its kind in the Northeast to meet the growing popular demand for local honey in Europe and certain South Asian countries. An interactive programme presided by the Director of National Bee Board Dr BL Sarawat was held on Tuesday where it was disclosed that Rs 10 crore has been earmarked for this proposed bee development centre. Scientific Beekeeping methods The State Additional Chief Secretary, K N Kumar stressed the need to adopt scientific methods for beekeeping. He said that even with the traditional methods of beekeeping, their produce has become very popular overseas. So the farmers should adopt scientific methods to increase their yield and harness the potential of bee market. There are 5 lakh bee colonies in Meghalaya and with 7000 trained farmers Kumar expects this bee mission to be very successful. The bee population all over the world has been dwindling of late and it has been proved that if the bee population becomes extinct, life on the planet will be wiped out in four years. So bee development centres are also helpful to maintain and conserve the bee population.