154 Years Post Formation, Forest Department Gets A 24×7 Helpline
We've all heard stories of aged trees falling and animals entering farms and destroying crops if one could reach the Forest Department on time, we could save a lot of trouble. After facing all the problems by the wildlife, the government has finally taken an action to resolve the issue. The Forest Department has started a 24×7 helpline, '1926' - a standardised number across the country to lodge complaints of wildlife crimes, illegal falling of trees and other such activities. Subhash K. Malkhede, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests said the control room will have six people managing and 30 lines to receive complaints. The 24×7 control room will be equipped with a dashboard so that information of officers, programmes and even registration of complaints can be taken over from any part of the state. Let's hope the helpline comes to best use and we see a decrease in the number of illegal tree cuttings and other animals crimes around the country.